Interaction with Geet Sethi

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I was extremely lucky to meet Geet Sethi, world billiards champion. Geet had come to share his story on why and what they are doing Olympic Gold Quest. Geet, despite being world billiards champion for many years,  was extremely humble in his interactions.

Here are some key learnings from our interactions which should help organizations and startup to achieve Excellence:

1. One must have an “ Obsession for Excellence”, he was convinced that we must be obsessed and not just passionate.

2. Enjoy the “Riyaz” ( practice) with a relentless focus to drive excellence. The word Riyaz just touched my heart as it relates to music, and most of us enjoy one or the other form of music,  therefore enjoy the “Journey of Excellence”.

3. On winning the Gold for India at commonwealth games, he took a lot of pride in sharing when the national anthem was played, he was in tears. He enjoyed the “Fruits of Excellence”.

I would urge all of us to support the initiative launched by Geet and Prakash Padukone and led by Viren in targeting gold for India. My very best to all including Sameer Kotecha and others who are helping in this noble cause to make India Proud.

March 2019