Category : Personal Philosophy

Personal Philosophy

My Father’s 100th Birthday

Today (1st May 2019) happens to be the 100th birthday of my father and I celebrated at a gurudwara in Gurgaon. Both my Parents blessings and wishes are with me and they will always be with me. This is why my advisory firm is named after them.  During their early lives, they had serious swings […]

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Personal Philosophy

Follow Your Dreams – ( Article by my son Rohan)

Recently one of my very close friends was involved in a car accident and he narrowly escaped. His car got hit from behind and it spun 180 degrees and he was facing the wrong way. He had the presence of mind to restart his car and turn his car around to avoid a head-on collision. […]

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Personal Philosophy

Art of achieving Great Outcomes

Here are the characteristics. Each of the following has a story but have tried to use only keywords to keep it short: – Creative and Imaginative – Discipline and Focus – Energy and Hardworking – Perseverance and Wisdom – Passion and Courage – Obsession for excellence – Agility, Flexibility, and Inflexibility – Riaz and Tapasya […]

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Personal Philosophy

You can write your destiny – My thoughts

Have faith in these beliefs, and you can rewrite your own destiny- My thoughts. Our personal beliefs play a huge role in how we view our life. They often have a profound impact on our thoughts, emotions, actions, and behavior. Our framework of beliefs also provides a structured process through which we evaluate and estimate […]

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Personal Philosophy

Expressing Gratitude My Way

Gratitude My way. I say this at least once during the day. I thank Durga Maa for giving me such a wonderful life full of happiness which is even beyond my dreams and also thanks specifically for below: Thanks for what I am, what I have. Thanks for helping me Smile all the time. Thanks […]

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