
Personal Philosophy

My Father’s 100th Birthday

Today (1st May 2019) happens to be the 100th birthday of my father and I celebrated at a gurudwara in Gurgaon. Both my Parents blessings and wishes are with me and they will always be with me. This is why my advisory firm is named after them.  During their early lives, they had serious swings […]

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Business Philosophy

Bio, Chemistry, Physics and Maths as Philosophy of Investing – “Dil Se” (from the heart)

I have been following a philosophy of “Dil Se” investing, I have spent some time introspecting to define what do I mean by Dil se. Dil Se investing is a fine balance of “gut and softer aspects” and “Logic, analysis, and numbers”.Gut and softer aspects are the Biology and Chemistry and Logic analysis and numbers […]

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Interaction with Geet Sethi

I was extremely lucky to meet Geet Sethi, world billiards champion. Geet had come to share his story on why and what they are doing Olympic Gold Quest. Geet, despite being world billiards champion for many years,  was extremely humble in his interactions. Here are some key learnings from our interactions which should help organizations […]

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Family Business/Family Office Setup

Family must take responsibility of their actions w.r.t. Wealth

Family members must take ownership of their decisions and not outsource family’s wealth management to advisors. I had a few interactions in the last couple of months and it seems to me that some of the Family Offices outsource the investment process to advisors and in few cases, the sponsors take a casual approach to […]

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Family Business/Family Office Setup

Thoughts on Family Office Construct – Living Document

The Objectives of the Family may need to evolve around the following: Ensure family harmony, love and affection even if businesses realigned Protect and enhance the family brand and reputation Protect and grow family wealth and seamless transfer of wealth The family should take complete ownership of their decisions even while they engage Advisors and […]

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